Get To Level 85 In Little As 7 Days, And Earn Enough Gold To Get Any Wow Mount, Armor, Weapons, and Tools You Want! Guaranteed
I cannot answer that question, cause I dont know how long you play for, what level your at as if now, if you battle with a team, do you have weapons for mamimux dps, or if your a smart wow player.
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All those factors are apart of how fast a wow player will be able to level up to 85. If you use all these tatics, congrats youll get there in maybe a month or two. Although, if your interested, there is a faster route to 85. Its only three words: wow leveling guide.
I myself never used any of these tatics, except i played for about 8hrs a day, and I dont even know if thats long. Is it? Well beside the point, I decided if I can't be naturally good like some of you wow elite players out there, I should get a wow leveling guide.
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So i looked, and looked at found literally a dozen or so. I had to sift out a winning wow leveling guide, from the rip offs. To my frustration none of them were garbage, I dont think a dedicated wow player can right a wow leveling guide without there being at least some useful information in it. I went through forums, and asked around, and read reviews, and more reviews, and at the end, one guide rose above the rest.
But........... I got 2, and her they are:
Here are some other wow leveling guides I recommend:
All those factors are apart of how fast a wow player will be able to level up to 85. If you use all these tatics, congrats youll get there in maybe a month or two. Although, if your interested, there is a faster route to 85. Its only three words: wow leveling guide.
I myself never used any of these tatics, except i played for about 8hrs a day, and I dont even know if thats long. Is it? Well beside the point, I decided if I can't be naturally good like some of you wow elite players out there, I should get a wow leveling guide.
So i looked, and looked at found literally a dozen or so. I had to sift out a winning wow leveling guide, from the rip offs. To my frustration none of them were garbage, I dont think a dedicated wow player can right a wow leveling guide without there being at least some useful information in it. I went through forums, and asked around, and read reviews, and more reviews, and at the end, one guide rose above the rest.
But........... I got 2, and her they are:
I got Derek's guide, because he is part of a community, of mine. You have to watch his video
This is the wow leveling guide that i was mentioning above, absolutely fantastic. I literally leveled to 85 in 9 days, although he does it a little faster . Check out his Alliance/Horde Videos.
Here are some other wow leveling guides I recommend:
Great information about the WOW leveling guides. By the way I found good Honest reviews of the top 3 World of Warcraft guides which helped me to move across various levels in Games. Interesting game which I like most.
8hr a day is quite a lot of time, but I know some that play WoW all their spare time! But I don't have time to play that much so:) You might wanna check out this WoW Gold Guide with free tips on how to make more gold in less time.
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